Frequently Asked Questions for Limousine Tallahassee

Here at Limousine Tallahassee, we get asked a lot of questions during our day-to-day operations. Since you're here, you probably have some unanswered questions about our limousines, how we do business, or about the policies we have in place. For your convenience, we've included some of our most often-encountered questions here on this page. Why? Because, we would like you to be as informed as possible before you make a decision.

Normally, in peak season, we have a six-hour minimum for night rentals. However, there are shorter wedding packages and other exceptions to this rule, so it is best to contact us and explain what you are trying to do. If you aren't planning a wedding, perhaps there is an availability issue that could allow for a shorter rental period.

To reserve a limousine, you only have to be eighteen years of age and have a valid credit or debit card.

Yes! As a limousine provider, one of the biggest perks of renting is that you're allowed to consume alcohol during your trip. Of course, to drink on the limousines, everyone must be of legal drinking age.

To keep our fleet in tip-top shape, we don't allow for smoking in the limousines. However, since we give you unlimited stops and mileage with your rental, you can stop for breaks as often as you'd like.

Unless damage is done to the limousine, there are no additional charges when you do business with Limousine Tallahassee. Other companies may hide fees but we proudly do not.

You are not required to tip the driver. However, we do encourage it if you get the world-class service you were expecting!

Give us a call! Just because it may not be here, that doesn't mean it's any less important. You'll find that our knowledgeable booking agents are friendly and are always happy to hear from you regardless of how small you feel your query might be. All you've got to do is give us a call, at any time of the day or night. Or, if you're inclined to email, we'll be able to answer you that way too.

We have plenty of great friends we can suggest! If you're going to visit the beautiful state of Georgia, check out Atlanta Limo Bus.

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